Sunday, May 1, 2016

Top 5 Pros and Cons Between Granite & Quartz

The most popular stones for kitchen worktops are Granite and Quartz. They are sold and made everywhere, including the UK. There are some quality companies like Y&S Marble that offer Granite, Quartz and Marble. Or you can go with a company like Classic Quartz Stone that specializes in Quartz. Another great alternative that offers all kinds of worktop stones is Surfaceco. You can't go wrong if you get Granite or Quartz from any of these companies. Now to the point, the pros and cons of Granite vs Quartz:


You probably have heard of it and it's by far the most popular stone out there. You can find out a lot of information about Granite stones, but the most important can be boiled down to a pros and cons list, so here it is:

Granite Pros:

  • No bacterial contamination
  • It can whithstand heat and scratches
  • Easy to clean
  • Strong and durable
  • Adds value to your home when you sell it

  • Granite Cons:

    • More expensive
    • It's heavy, so it requires more support
    • Difficult to remove
    • Difficult to replace
    • Unique colours - no uniform colours.
    As you can see, Granite has it's upsides and downsides. You have to make your choice and decide which one you're going to go with. 


    Quartz is another popular choice for worktops in homes. Almost every company offers it and most people recommend it. Here are the pros and cons of Quartz worktops:

    Quartz Pros:

  • Strongest and most flexible stone
  • It can whithstand heat and scratches
  • Easy to clean and no bacterial contamination
  • Stain-resistant
  • Uniform colours

  • Quartz Cons:

    • Lose colour if exposed to direct sunlight overtime
    • Prone to seams

    Although as you can see Quartz doesn't have that many cons, but they are still worth thinking about. Go over this list of pros and cons a few times and analyze them. Think about it a while longer and decide which one fits you more. 

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